Zoom link for all events: https://berkeley.zoom.us/j/97754582560
Monday, February 1st @ 8pm
This is the best way to find out about the club! We’ll give a presentation about what we do and how rad climbing is.
Tuesday, February 2nd @ 6pm
*** Q & A, Virtual Potluck ***
Want to meet more people in Cal Climbing and more people with the same interests as you? Join our zoom to ask questions about the club or about climbing, or to just hang out. This is a virtual potluck so bring something to munch on!
Thursday, February 4th @ 7pm
*** Trivia Night, Planking! ***
Join us for the last night of Crush Week. We will host some trivia (mostly climbing themed, maybe?) and then we will have our biannual Plank Challenge ( we will set some guidelines for fairness so if you are planning to compete make sure you have the ability to turn your video on in zoom). There will be prizes!!
These events are available to non-members of Cal Climbing and are an introduction to all the fun events we will be hosting throughout the year. If you want to join the club –>click here
- NOTE: club dues this semester are FREEE, we will return to our normal dues of $20 for the year in Fall 2021